Wireless technologies
What is wireless
A wireless
technology such as cell phones, that users rsdio waves to transmit and receive
data. It is use d increasingly for data trasmission.
Published by
Houghton Mifflin company.
The main types of wireless
Here are the main types, listed as
Communications 2)Remote
4) item tracking ect.
1)Voice communications-This is where it all started...
people just talking to each other over radios.Each was the size of about a
hundred cellphones! While it was nice to communicate with an actual person, it
was a very slow way to exchange
information. And wireless is good for much more than just a two-way voice conversation. Cellphones are now the
preferred means of voice communication, but they also allow texting and
internet access.
2)remote control- There are many types of wireless
technology remote controllers and you’ll already know about some of these...
but some are a bit less well-known
remote 2)Car
remote access key ring
3)Garage door opener 4)Heat
pump remote
5)Wireless dog fence
6)CD and DVD player controller
7)Interactive games controller
8)Remote control of your house lights using your cellphone
9)Remote control of spacecraft from an earth station
10) wireless doorbell
Control applications-Some are more sophisticated than
others, and usually require the thing they are controlling to acknowledge that
it has correctly received the command… and acted on it!
Otherwise it’s just a case of send, and hope the other party received
what you sent. Not ideal, but now we can do better than this. Getting that acknowledgement tells you the command
was successful. Not getting it allows you the option of trying again... as many
times as you like, to get the result you want. And if you don’t get it? Well,
at least you know!
Protocol-If the sender and the receiver have
an agreed set of rules (protocol) on how they’ll communicate with each other,
things go much more smoothly. A bit like people driving cars … road rules are
the protocol that keeps the traffic flowing smoothly. Most
types of wireless technology share this hidden, but very important function.
Wireless protocols do the same for wireless traffic, minimizing collisions
between packets of data traveling on the same wireless superhighway. Wireless protocols are allowing wireless devices to
co-operate at ever-increasing levels of sophistication – making the whole
wireless world, not just controllers, more efficient, reliable and dependable.
3) Entertainment- Entertainment is one of the types of
wireless technology that is going to allow us to have some quite surreal
experiences in the years to come. But a simple application, being able to
record or listen to music without being tethered by a wire lets you do other
things at the same time and is great if you need to move around.
Here are some products that are popular for wireless entertainment...
Wireless headphones Wireless
earbuds Wireless Microphone Wireless
home theatre Interactive wireless
4) Item Tracking- You can now track items easily,
accurately and cheaply by attaching wireless Radio Frequency IDentification
(RFID) tags to them. A special RFID reader is used to read the
RFID is becoming one of the more important types of wireless
technology. Each tag has a unique number and allows you
to track...
Items in a
Animals Laboratory
and even patients in a hospital...
refrences- www.wireless-advicer.com
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