Sunday 14 September 2014

Hard Tongue Twister Poems
I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate,
And I'm only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's late.
I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's son,
And I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant pluckers come.
A tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to tutor two tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor
"Is it tougher to toot
Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.
The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed
Shilly-shallied south.
These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack;
Sheep should sleep in a shed.
Three sweet switched Swiss witches
Watch three washed Swiss witch Swatch watch switches.
Which sweet switched Swiss witch watches
Which washed Swiss witch Swatch watch switch?
Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown,
The succesful thistle-sifter,
While sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles,
Thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb.

Now, if Theophilus Thadeus Thistledown,
The succesful thistle-sifter,
Thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb,
See that thou, while sifting a sieve-full of unsifted thistles,
Thrust not three thousand thistles through the thick of thy thumb.

Q: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
A: Nothing

Q: How can a pants pocket be empty and still have something in it?
A: It can have a hole in it.

Q: What is the longest word in the dictionary?
A: Smiles, because there is a mile between each ‘s’

Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All 12 months!

Q: How do you make the number one disappear?
A: Add the letter G and it’s “GONE”

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